Mind hacking is a way of positively changing and manipulating our minds to get results in our lives that we really want to see. Our minds are amazing; they are more powerful and complex than any computer ever built. And just like a computer they can be optimised, reprogrammed and updated.
Just by changing the way we think, we can make HUGE changes in our lives that can lead to greater levels of happiness, wealth, success and just about everything else you can possibly imagine. But holding on to limiting beliefs may be preventing you from living the dream life you really want to be living.
What are limiting beliefs?
We all have our own individual belief systems. Unfortunately for many of us this consists of many limiting beliefs that we first need to overcome. A limiting belief is any thoughts or opinions you hold of yourself that prevent you from moving forward.
Common examples of limiting beliefs include:
Can our belief systems be changed?
Luckily, we can change these belief systems and create new positive ones. Beliefs that work with us, not against us. And it is never too late to start overcoming your limiting beliefs.
The subconscious mind is actually very malleable (known scientifically as neuroplasticity) and this knowledge can be used to our advantage. All we need to do is condition the mind to believe a new positive belief system strongly enough that the subconscious accepts it as the truth. Once the subconscious mind does this, then it starts to act in ways that brings the new thoughts and desires into reality.
Remember that the subconscious mind controls most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviour for more than 95% of the time. We are often just walking around on autopilot allowing the subconscious mind to make important decisions without even being aware of it happening.
For example, have you ever been driving your car, lost in thought, when all of a sudden you realise you have driven yourself all the way home with barely any memory of doing so? Your subconscious mind allowed you to still control all the complexities of driving a car, without you even having to think twice about it!
So most of the time our subconscious (or auto pilot feature, if you like) works really well. It can draw on all the information you have learned in your lifetime to take action immediately, without having to consciously think about it. You can run, ride a bike and speak at least one language fluently. You can read and write and maybe you can touch-type or play a piano without even having to look at what you are doing.
You can do these things because your subconscious has stored the information you need, so the action has become automatic.
But what happens if all that information you have learned throughout your life turns out not to be entirely accurate? In fact, at least some of what you have learned may well be complete and utter rubbish! You are expecting your autopilot to run on information that is outdated or even just plain wrong. It is the equivalent of relying on a 20 year old satnav that has never had an update. It is just a matter of time before you take a wrong turn!
It is time for an update!
You can't expect the best version of you to come from a place of outdated or wrong information. Remember your subconscious has the reins 95% of the time. That is 95% of your day that decisions and actions are being made on potentially bad or outdated information! But that's OK. Updating or reprogramming your subconscious mind is perfectly possible and I will show you how!
Convince yourself that what you want is ALREADY true
There are all kinds of techniques we can use to reprogram your subconscious mind but they all revolve around the same idea; you need to convince the subconscious mind that something you want to be true is in fact already true. The subconscious will then automatically begin to make decisions and actions that will bring the desire into reality.
A couple of ground rules before you begin...
A couple of things you need to be mindful of before you start; you must only try to make changes to your own subconsciousness, not anyone else's. Attempting to reprogram someone else mind without their consent or knowledge is called brainwashing. Be respectful and do not do this even if you think you could help them. If you really want to help them then show them how to do it for themselves so it is their choice.
And secondly, you cannot go against your fundamental beliefs. You cannot regrow a lost limb by convincing yourself you can, but you certainly can heal yourself of phobias, depression, anxiety etc. You cannot suddenly grow wings and fly, but you can become a pilot and fly a plane or helicopter. You cannot convince yourself a million pounds will just materialise instantly in front of your eyes, but you can make ANY amount of money you want in a time frame you BELIEVE is possible. You get the idea!
So as long as your desire is physically possible then you ABSOLUTELY can turn that desire into a reality by manipulating your mind aka... mind hacking!
So where do you begin? Well, there are plenty of techniques to choose from; it doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you can convince your subconsciousness to believe in it.
Below you will find links to many popular mind hacking methods from affirmations, visualisations and hypnosis to using crystals or spells and rituals! You can even hack directly into your subconsciousness using a method known as lucid dreaming (my personal favourite!) but it is entirely up to... just follow your intuition and go with whichever method feels right for you.
Just have fun, experiment and remember to keep an open mind because ANYTHING is possible if you just BELIEVE!
Can a crystal really heal you with its power or is it all in our minds?
Learn how to use positive affirmations to rewire your mind and manifest anything you desire.
Manipulating your mind with spells and rituals
Find out how to manifest anything you desire using lucid dreaming
Discover how to escape the false reality that has been forced upon you